Dr. Franck Schmidt-Husson
Franck Schmidt-Husson studied at the Universities of Freiburg im Breisgau, Bordeaux, Saarbrucken, and Munich. He has been practising law with Thümmel Schütze since 2002.
Franck Schmidt-Husson specialises in advice on matters of insurance law and process control, underlying issues of liability and indemnity law, as well as corporate law. A main focus of his practice lies in D&O and E&O insurances, fidelity loss, and professional liability insurances. Manager liability and compliance (defence of claims and prevention of liability) are the main focal points. His expertise covers a large and comprehensive range of matters concerning major accidents and large-scale insurance programmes.
Franck Schmidt-Husson has been involved in the so-called “Dieselgate” for various D&O insurers in the case of VW, and in the case of another automotive group in the defence of the liability claims of consumers (diesel-mass proceedings).
His clients include German and international insurers as well as executive managers, directors, and supervisory boards of stock companies and limited companies.
German, English, French
+49 (0)711 1667 193
Main areas of activity
- Liability & Insurance
- Corporate & Commercial
- Franck Schmidt-Husson has acted as monitoring and coverage counsel for the settlement of numerous and prominent manager liability cases in German industry
- According to research by the “Handelsblatt” and the “WirtschaftsWoche”, Franck Schmidt-Husson is one of the best German lawyers in the areas of insurance law and manager liability. In 2011, the “WirtschaftsWoche” considered him one of the most prominent D&O lawyers in Germany (edition of 14.03.2011)
- “Handelsblatt” and “Best Lawyers” listed him among “Germany’s best lawyers” for insurance law in 2022, 2021, 2020 (editions of 27.06.2022, 25.06.2021, 26.06.2020)
- German Association for Insurance Industry
- Association of German-French lawyers
- Club d’Affaires Franco-Allemand du Baden-Wurtemberg
- Was, um Himmels willen, ist eine „Kardinalpflicht“? – Zum Wissentlichkeitsausschluss in der D&O-Versicherung in Usus atque Scientia, Festschrift für Roderich C. Thümmel, Berlin/Boston 2020
- Delegation von Organpflichten in Christoph E. Hauschka (Hrsg.), Corporate Compliance, Handbuch der Haftungsvermeidung im Unternehmen, München, 3. Aufl. 2016
- Offene Handelsgesellschaft in Martin Heidenhain/Burkhardt W. Meister (Hrsg.), Münchener Vertragshandbuch, Band 1 (Gesellschaftsrecht), München, 7. Aufl. 2011
- Rundfunkfreiheit für die Deutsche Welle? Ein Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit eines Grundrechts zu bestimmen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Dogmatik des Art. 19 Abs. 3 GG, Diss., Berlin 2006